Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Hate New Year's Resolutions


Because if you want to accomplish something that is very important to you, you shouldn't need to wait for a certain day. While I do know there is a special feeling attached to New Years Day, like a clean slate, a sense of renewal, a fresh start..... too many people set unrealistic fitness/workout goals for the New Year, only to become frustrated and discouraged after a few weeks, then fall back to old habits and give up.

Yet, I know people will continue to make their ill-fated resolutions.

Look, please do me a favor, start right now... THIS VERY MINUTE. Ease into better habits of becoming a better body. Working out and eating plain healthy food regularly takes a lot of effort and commitment. Here are some tips that can help you:

1. You do NOT have to live and eat perfectly ALL THE TIME. Allow yourself to slip a little bit every now and then. Be completely healthy 80 - 90% of the time. I don't like the term "cheat meal," but an OCCASSIONAL small "treat" will not set you back, if you are on track 85% of the time.

2. Understand that eating healthy, wholesome plain foods does not have the instant gratification that comes from eating comfort foods like chips, pizza, cookies, chocolate, etc. However, the rewards of eating healthy whole foods in long run are much better than consuming a high fat or sugary food. Achieving a more fit, healthy body has gratifications that goes beyond and deeper than a tasty high calorie meal. I consider this my health insurance plan.

3. If you have too much body fat, every time you want to eat something but are not hungry, jump up and down and feel your fat jiggle--it's a real motivator to stick with the plan.

4. Take photos of yourself before and after. These may be hard to look at...sometimes disturbing if you have a good amount of fat to lose, but it works. Even if you are in good shape now, you can still improve.

5. Keep a journal of EVERYTHING you eat and record the time. You don't have to figure out calories or macronutrients if you don't care to. Just write it down!

6. Set and write down attainable goals and review them regularly. In the journal above you can have a page dedicated to short term and long term goals. SET DATES of when you want to reach your goals.

7. DO NOT USE A SCALE! If you have fat to lose, keep it simple--use a tape measure and record your waist size and measure your waist every two weeks. For women, I suggest measuring your waist and hips.

8. Drink water. I drink at least 6 liters a day and sometimes that's not enough.

9. Eat WHOLE and UNPROCESSED foods; your food should not come from bags or boxes for the most part. If it's advertised on television, in magazines, etc that it's "good for you," it's probably not.

10. Eliminate all foods that contain trans fats/partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. Foods that you think may be healthy, like sugar laden yogurts, are not really healthy or good for you.

11. If you haven't been working out regulary, do not jump full blast into an advanced level workout or begin running miles upon miles when your body is not ready. Work on your core--the powerhouse of your body. Core stability and functional training will help prevent injuries. Even advanced athletes train their core.

12. Please, for the love of God, NEVER, EVER "go on a diet" again. Stay committed to a healthy lifestyle and developing better nutritional habits.

Determination and persistence are OMNIPOTENT!

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